Case 1:
Before: Severe periodontal (gum disease) with gum recession and down-ward growth of front tooth
After: Gum disease was treated with scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) Tooth position corrected with orthodontics (braces) Front tooth with severe periodontal disease removed and replaced with implant All other front teeth covered with ceramic veneers (restorations by Dr Kathy Daroee)
Case 2:
Before: Periodontal (gum disease) with gum recession
After: Gum graft with minimally invasive technique (VISTA)
Case 3:
VISTA gum grafting technique (innovated by Dr Zadeh) was used to treat gum recession in conjunction with collagen matrix to regenerate the gums. This is a minimally invasive alternative to harvesting gum from the roof of the mouth.
Case 4:
Before: Patient missing many teeth and remaining teeth suffered from periodontal (gum disease) and tooth decay
Immediate smile: All remaining teeth were removed, implants placed (4 in upper and 4 in lower jaw) and prototypes (temporary) restorations were delivered on the same day.
Definitive smile: Ceramic teeth were fabricated after three months and delivered after 3 months.
Case 5:
Before: Severely worn teeth due to patient’s grinding habit and poor tooth position
After: Ceramic veneers and crowns were made to restore optimal contour and position of the teeth (restorations by Dr Fereidoun Daftary)
Case 6:
Before: Missing front left tooth replaced by a bridge with improper gum contour
After: Implant with gum graft using minimally invasive technique (VISTA) to restore proper gum contour
Case 7:
Before: Missing front tooth with severe loss of jaw bone after tooth extraction
After: Bone grafting to allow implant placement in proper position along with gum graft using minimally invasive technique (VISTA) to restore proper gum contour (restorations by Dr Fereidoun Daftary)
Case 8:
Before: Missing front left tooth
After: Implant with gum graft using minimally invasive technique (VISTA) to restore proper gum contour
Case 9:
Before: Severe gum recession
After: VISTA gum grafting technique (innovated by Dr Zadeh) was used to treat gum recession in conjunction with collagen matrix to regenerate the gums. This is a minimally invasive alternative to harvesting gum from the roof of the mouth
Case 10:
Short implants placed because of the proximity to the sinus. This is a minimally invasive alternative to performing sinus bone augmentation. These implants have been in function for 7 years.