Cosmetic Dentistry for a Missing Tooth

Cosmetic Dentist Ventura, CA

For a lost tooth, cosmetic dentistry can provide all the help you need to restore your smile. Losing a tooth can be embarrassing and have an effect on your self-esteem and self-image. It can also lead to serious health conditions. The good news is that your dentist can provide effective solutions to replace a tooth and fill in the gaps in your mouth. You can find out which one makes the most sense for you.

What can cause tooth loss?

A person should have all of their permanent teeth (with the exception of wisdom teeth) by the early teenage years. These teeth are meant to last a lifetime and can withstand wear and tear for decades. Still, teeth can fall out or suffer damage. A common way this happens is from trauma due to impact on the teeth. A hard blow to the face or biting into an object can dislodge a tooth.

A person’s poor oral hygiene can also contribute to tooth loss. Ineffective brushing and flossing can cause decay, infections, and disease. Untreated, the teeth can deteriorate and become brittle. This makes them more susceptible to breaking or falling out. Bone loss can also occur.


This form of tooth replacement has been around in some form for centuries. Today, dentures come in both full and partial form. Cosmetic dentistry can make dentures in both permanent and removable styles. The appliance consists of a gum-colored acrylic base with artificial teeth. The teeth are usually made of ceramic, porcelain, or metal covered in plastic. Some dentures rest on the gums, while others fasten to implants.

Dental implants

These are becoming a more common way that cosmetic dentistry replaces teeth. Implants do require a long process with at least two surgeries. The recovery time can be challenging, but the results can provide a long-lasting solution to a new smile. Implants consist of a titanium screw-like post, an abutment, and a natural-looking crown. This treatment can last for up to 20 years or more. With implants, the patient can eat most foods but should be cautious about biting into hard and sticky items.

Dental bridge

A bridge literally bridges the gap in the mouth left by the missing tooth. The cosmetic dentistry office will recommend this if there is healthy bone growth. The patient must also have strong natural teeth in place. To put in a bridge, the dentist will place crowns over the teeth around the gap. An artificial tooth called a pontic goes in the empty space. A framework holds the bridge together.

Cosmetic dentistry can repair your smile and replace missing teeth

You should not have to live with unsightly gaps in your mouth. Instead of hiding your smile and avoiding people, talk to your dentist. There are effective solutions available to restore your appearance and the full function of your mouth. With either bridges, implants, or dentures, you no longer have to struggle with missing teeth. Make an appointment with your dentist today so you can start to discuss these options.

Request an appointment here: or call Brighton Specialty Dental Group at (805) 644-5284 for an appointment in our Ventura office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Cosmetic Dentistry in Ventura, CA.

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